Plumbing Problems: A Comprehensive Guide to Preventing Common Concerns





Just about everyone may have his or her own assumption involving Emergency Plumbing Repairs.

Fix It Right Plumbing
Plumbing issues are taken into consideration to be among the major issues that each house can experience at least when in a life time. Although many would certainly opt to call an expert plumber to do the grunt work for them, the majority of plumbing repair work are really small ones that even you can do without having to pay a plumber some significant quantity of cash.


Sinking In

Battling a sink blockage instantly means getting a shower room bettor. In picking a plunger, make certain it has a big adequate suction mug that can completely cover the drainpipe. It needs to additionally be able to create an airtight seal around the surrounding sink. Next, you ought to fill up the component to entirely cover the plunger's suction cup. Do this by using water or finishing the mug's edge with oil jelly. You need to develop a vacuum by trying to seal various other electrical outlets, like overflow drain in sinks. Then, push out any trapped air beneath the cup. After this, do 15 to 20 powerful up-and-down pumping strikes to snag loosened the obstruction. It might take you 3 to 5 times of this cycle to do the method. Serpent It Out If making use of the plunger does not work, then you would have to resort to another technique. In this remedy, you would need to have a plumbing snake. You can obtain one at your neighborhood equipment. These can function their method with your drainpipe pipes as well as physically push out the blockages. Plumbing snakes are considered to be one of the most dependable tools for fixing water drainage troubles. All you need to do is press the snake in up until you struck the blockage. When you hit the clog, hook it up by twisting your serpent's take care of. After hooking it up, press your serpent backward and forward until you feel that the obstruction has actually separated. After that, eliminate the pipe using cold water. Key Drainpipe Clean-up If you discover that more than one of your draining pipes components is congested, then your major drainpipe line may be the problem. Thus, you need to clean it up. You can begin by finding the clean-out plugs of the large drainpipe pipelines. You can discover these in your crawlspace or basement. Main drainpipe lines can likewise be found in your garage or somewhere outdoors, along the structures of your house. You can see that each plug has a cap on it that has a square fitting on the top. Make use of a wrench to eliminate the cap. Ensure that you have a bucket with you to capture some leaking water. Also, make sure that nobody will certainly utilize the facilities while you the major drainpipe line is open, or else some significant issue can come your way. As soon as you have whatever in place, make use of a plumbing serpent to break up any kind of blockages in the main line by running the snake in all instructions of the pipe.


Be Vigilant

One means to take care of major plumbing troubles is by prevention. Maintaining an eagle eye for sluggish or slow-moving drains is the trick. It is way much easier to fix and also unclog a slow-moving drain than opening up one that has actually wholly quit from functioning. If your drainpipe is slow, you can repair this by just putting scalding thin down the pipe. Do this to loosen up any type of oil accumulation. Additionally, you must clean the drainpipe screen or stopper. This must do the trick. Nevertheless, if it doesn't, after that attempt to find the trouble by having a look at various other home drains pipes. Do this to understand whether the obstruction is present in just one fixture. If it ends up that drains are obstructed, then you might have a problem with your primary drainpipe pipe.


How to Prevent Holiday Plumbing Problems


The holidays are a time for family, fun, and food. Between cooking your favorite dishes, baking your favorite desserts, and watching holiday movies, the holidays are a time for celebration. Unfortunately, things go wrong quickly if you end up with a plumbing issue. Between all the foot traffic in the kitchen and everyone cooking their favorite dish, you could easily end up with a clogged drain, damaged garbage disposal, or other plumbing problems if you aren’t careful.

In this blog post, Alpine Plumbing & Rooter will be sharing a few plumbing tips for the upcoming holiday season. The last thing you need is to add a plumbing appointment to your to-do list, so we’ll be discussing a few ways you can avoid any holiday plumbing nightmares. Keep reading to find out!


Schedule a Drain Cleaning


Clogged drains are one of the most common plumbing problems, and they can be especially troublesome during the holidays when there is increased cooking and baking. In addition to the kitchen, bathrooms are also highly used during the holidays, especially if you have guests staying over. Schedule a professional drain cleaning with Alpine Plumbing & Rooter before the holiday rush begins to help prevent any issues. Our team will ensure your kitchen and bathroom drains are cleared of debris by the time your guests arrive.


Dispose of Leftovers Properly


Another common issue during the holidays is drains getting clogged with food scraps. To avoid this, dispose of all food properly in the garbage or keep leftovers in the fridge. A few foods that you should never let go down your drain or garbage disposal include:

  • Grease and oil

  • Meat bones

  • Stringy vegetables

  • Potato peels

  • Coffee grounds

  • Eggshells


Wait a Few Minutes in Between Showers


Taking too many showers in a short period of time can lead to decreased water pressure and lukewarm to cold water temperatures. If you have several family members or friends staying with you during the holidays, make sure to space out showers to avoid any problems and give your water heater time to replenish.


Take Care of Your Toilet


The toilet is one of the most used plumbing fixtures in the home, so it’s important to take care of it, especially during the holidays. One of the last things anyone wants to deal with during a holiday dinner is a clogged toilet, so make sure your guests know not to treat your toilet like a trash can. Avoid flushing anything other than human waste and toilet paper down the toilet.


Check for Leaks

Plumbing Problems, How Tos & Repairs


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The Risks of Disposing Cat Poop in Your Toilet - Precautionary Steps

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As feline proprietors, it's essential to be mindful of how we get rid of our feline close friends' waste. While it may seem convenient to flush cat poop down the bathroom, this method can have harmful effects for both the setting and human wellness.


Ecological Impact

Flushing feline poop introduces damaging virus and parasites into the supply of water, positioning a considerable danger to aquatic environments. These impurities can adversely influence marine life and compromise water quality.


Wellness Risks

In addition to environmental issues, flushing pet cat waste can likewise posture wellness threats to humans. Feline feces might have Toxoplasma gondii, a parasite that can cause toxoplasmosis-- a possibly extreme disease, specifically for expecting ladies and people with damaged body immune systems.


Alternatives to Flushing

The good news is, there are more secure and a lot more liable methods to take care of pet cat poop. Consider the complying with alternatives:


1. Scoop and Dispose in Trash

The most typical approach of throwing away pet cat poop is to scoop it right into an eco-friendly bag and toss it in the garbage. Make sure to use a dedicated clutter inside story and deal with the waste quickly.


2. Usage Biodegradable Litter

Go with biodegradable pet cat trash made from materials such as corn or wheat. These litters are environmentally friendly and can be safely disposed of in the trash.


3. Bury in the Yard

If you have a yard, take into consideration burying pet cat waste in a marked location away from vegetable yards and water sources. Be sure to dig deep enough to stop contamination of groundwater.


4. Mount a Pet Waste Disposal System

Invest in an animal waste disposal system specifically made for pet cat waste. These systems use enzymes to break down the waste, minimizing smell and ecological impact.



Accountable animal possession expands past supplying food and sanctuary-- it likewise involves appropriate waste monitoring. By refraining from purging feline poop down the commode and choosing alternate disposal approaches, we can lessen our environmental footprint and secure human wellness.


Why You Should NEVER Flush Cat Poop (and/or Litter) Down Your Toilet


The Problem with Litter


The main function of litter is to solidify and adhere to your cat’s waste. While this makes litter excellent for collecting cat poop and urine, it’s also the exact property that makes it a nightmare when flushed down the toilet.

Cat litter can and will clog pipes. There is non-clumping litter, but it’s still quite heavy and can build up in pipes. This is true even of supposed “flushable litter.”

The problems only compound when the litter is already clumped into cat waste. Toilet paper is among the more flushable things, and even too much of that will clog a toilet.


The Problem with Cat Poop


Sewers and septic systems are designed with human waste in mind. The microbes that help break down human waste don’t work on cat waste. Additionally, cat poop plays host to the parasite Toxoplasma gondii.

When flushed, this parasite can enter the environment in places it was never meant to, posing a risk to pregnant women, their unborn children, and other people with compromised immune systems. While it might not seem possible, flushing cat poop can indeed introduce this parasite to the public water supply.

These reasons are why, even if you’ve trained your cat to go on the toilet and flush, which is possible, it’s still not a good idea. Also, pregnant women and the immunocompromised shouldn’t change litter, either.


How to Handle Litter


The best way to handle litter is to simply put it in a plastic bag and place it in the trash. Avoiding environmental risks and possible plumbing damage is worth the extra effort.

You can also invest in devices that seal away your cat’s waste in a separate compartment, so you don’t have to change the litter nearly as often. They’re also safer for pet owners because they limit the possibility of Toxoplasma gondii exposure.

Disposing of litter the old-fashioned way will ensure you won’t have to worry about any issues that flushing the waste can potentially cause.


Take Care of Clogged Pipes with Stephens Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning


The reasons you should never flush cat poop down your toilet are numerous, but sometimes the inevitable happens despite your best efforts.

Stephens Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning is ready to help if you’re experiencing litter-blocked plumbing. Whether you need us in an emergency or want to schedule regular maintenance, we’re here for you.

Can You Flush Cat Poop Down The Toilet?


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